School Link - 12 October 2023
From the Principal
Unleashing Personal Potential (UPP)
Prep in 2024?
Calendar of Events
Mango Drive Fundraiser
Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER)
Student of the Week
Arts Extravanganza a Hit
Tuckshop Helpers Wanted
Sports Report
Year 5 Market Day
A Note from the Library
Awards Night
Classroom News
News from the P&C
World Teachers' Day - Friday 27 October
Community News
From the Principal
Welcome to Term 4!
We have a very busy term ahead of us and have hit the ground running. This term will see the Year 5, 6, 9 and 10 students all attending camps, swimming, state athletic events, participation by Year 5 to 10 students in UPP, Friday Futures, award ceremonies, farewelling our Year 10 students, welcoming our 2024 Prep class and their families, appointing our 2024 student leaders and the usual end of year festivities. I look forward to sharing these occasions with the school community.
Unleashing Personal Potential – we have joined with Luke McKenna and the team at UPP to provide exceptional wellbeing and leadership workshops that empower students to thrive as they learn, live and lead. All UPP workshops have been expertly designed and are delivered by a team of carefully selected, highly trained specialists. UPP workshops are tried and tested to be practical, engaging, positive, interactive and age appropriate. UPP specialises in building growth mindsets, grit, wellbeing, healthy relationship skills and leadership skills by facilitating exceptional workshops and, across 2023 will work with over 60,000 students across Australia. Our Year 6, 7 and 8 classes have participated already this term with Years 5, 9 and 10 scheduled in the next fortnight. Our students have participated with enthusiasm and worked through some new learnings about themselves and others. We will continue this relationship into 2024 with workshop topics such as leading with influence, growth mindset and neuroplasticity, wellbeing and setting our students up with healthy habits for their futures.
The Prep Class of 2024 will begin their orientation visits to the school this term and we will be welcoming all our families to the school with a meet and greet BBQ on Friday 17 November. We are very excited to welcome these students and their families to our school. If you have neighbours, friends or family with 2024 Prep aged children, please encourage them to come and have a visit to the school and meet me for a tour.
Over this term, we will be reviewing the assessment and reporting framework for Prep to Year 10. This is in line with the Department's implementation of Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum which, as a whole school, we will be moving to in 2024. This review will also see the implementation of, and changes to, some school polices to ensure all students are accessing the curriculum successfully. Our staff are excited for these changes to occur and we will keep you all informed as the review continues.
Secondary interim reports have been sent to families this week. Please take the time to discuss your child’s results with them. If you have any questions, please make an appointment time to see the teacher.
We are looking forward to the P&C colour run on Friday 20 October. It was announced on assembly this week that any student who has fundraised over $100 will be given the opportunity to slime me! Please keep your donations coming in for this fundraiser. Apparently, slime is great for the hair and complexion!
Kind regards
Unleashing Personal Potential (UPP)
Prep in 2024?
Calendar of Events
Mango Drive Fundraiser
Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER)
Seven Year 10 students from our school recently attended an educational tour of the national capital, along with students from Killarney State School. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $135.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
We look forward to hearing from our students about their experiences in Canberra and will include a report and photos in the next edition of our newsletter. We take this opportunity to thank Mrs Linda Sharman-Bowman and Mr Adam Moore for accompanying our students on this valuable excursion and giving up time with their family for the week.
Student of the Week
Several students were awarded certificates on assembly for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Congratulations students!
Arts Extravanganza a Hit
Tuckshop Helpers Wanted
We continue to be very short on volunteers in our tuckshop. If you are able to help out, even for a few hours a month, we would really appreciate it. Please contact Serena at the tuckshop on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, if you are able to assist in any way. The tuckshop can be contacted through the school number - 4666 7222.
We sincerely thank those who already volunteer their time and remind you to contact Serena with an SMS or phone call before school if you are unable to work on your rostered day. Thank you.
Our students very much enjoyed the Questacon visit at the end of last term. Enjoy the slideshow below.
Sports Report
On Monday 9 October, Alex and Cash went to the 13 years and 14 years Darling Downs Futsal trials in Toowoomba. They performed well and really enjoyed the experience.
Lucy is competed in Discus, as part of the Darling Downs Team at the State Athletics Championships on Wednesday, continuing a fine tradition of successful discus throwers at Allora State School. Congratulations Lucy.
Claire went to the Queensland Schools Futsal Championships and played in both the 16 years and 19 years divisions. From these championships, she has gained selection in the Australian Youth Team (Under 19) to travel to Chile. Congratulations Claire!
The School Archery and Tennis Competitions will be held in the coming weeks.
Year 5 Market Day
The Year 5s worked on a Business Economics unit throughout Term 3 which required them to produce a product that they would be able to sell at their stall on Market Day on 14 September. They also developed a survey for the school to determine what kind of products people would prefer to spend their money on, how much money they thought they may spend on the day, and how much they were willing to spend per item. This then meant that the students had to make some difficult decisions about what products to sell, how to present them, and how much to charge for the items to ensure they made a profit but did not make the items too expensive.
The project has been an opportunity for the students to engage in a real life, meaningful learning experience and they all stepped up to the challenge. On behalf of the Year 5s and Mrs White, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the fantastic support of Year 5 Market Day. The involvement of all year levels at Allora State School, as well as the parents and wider community, helped us exceed our fundraising goals and provided our students with a valuable hands-on learning experience in entrepreneurship.
This experience has had a significant impact on our students, inspiring them to face and overcome challenges as well as enhancing their skills. The students put in an amazing effort to organise and run their stalls at the Market Day. It was a resounding success and they should be very proud of what they have accomplished.
A Note from the Library
Welcome back to Term 4. Borrowing will continue until week 8 of this term, with all books required to be returned to our school Library by the end of November. Please start looking for any missing library books now.
Your child’s library days are as follows:
- Magnificent Monday Year 4
- Wacky Wednesday Prep and Year 3
- Thoughtful Thursday Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6
- Fantastic Friday Year 1
Did you know that when students enter our school library they become readers, adventurers, dreamers, authors, researchers and story tellers - they are our future. Whoever thought that libraries were boring?
Have a great term.
Awards Night
Our 2023 Annual Awards Night for Years 7-10 students will be held in our school hall on Tuesday 21 November, at 7:30 pm. Each year, the school recognises students' outstanding achievements by the presentation of awards on this night. As in the past, the awards have been financed by parents, clubs, businesses and school suppliers. We have always appreciated this support.
Donations are GST free and receipts will be issued and acknowledged in the 2023 Awards Night program (if received by Wednesday 15 November).
For EFT donations, the details are as follows -
- Account: 1003 4521
- BSB: 064 434
- Please use 'Awards' and your business name / name as reference
We would be particularly grateful should you be able to assist us in our appeal this year and we look forward to celebrating our students' achievements.
Classroom News
News from the P&C
World Teachers' Day - Friday 27 October
Our teachers make a difference every day, educating and inspiring young Queenslanders. On World Teachers’ Day, show your appreciation for teachers and their positive impact in communities and on students’ lives.
We take this opportunity to thank the great teachers we have here at Allora P-10 State School for their dedication and hard work.