Newsletter - 29 November 2023
From the Principal
Office Opening Times - 2024
Calendar of Events
Student of the Week
Tuckshop Roster
Remembrance Day
School Crossing Supervisor Relief Position
Yarning Circle
Whole School Celebration Day
Primary Awards Ceremony
Year 7 in 2024
Awards Night
Lauren Brown - Graduation
A Note from the Library
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aspirations Program (ATSIAP) State Challenge
Classroom News
Year 8 Design and Technology - Rubber Band Powered Vehicles
Sports Report and Dates for 2024
P&C News
P&C Roundup for 2023
Childhood Immunisations
Community News
From the Principal
As I prepare to complete the last newsletter of the year, I am listening to the very welcome sound of rain on the roof! How wonderful it is to see the town and outskirts green and fresh and to know tanks and dams are slowly filling up.
The year is coming to a quick close and we have much to celebrate still with our whole school celebration day on Wednesday 6 December and Primary Awards and Christmas Concert on Thursday 7 December.
Last week, we said our farewells and sent off the Year 10 class of 2023 with a dinner for staff and families. This was a night full of laughs and jokes (some bad, courtesy of Mr Hay) and they thoroughly enjoyed their final day trip to Toowoomba. We were able to send them off with the traditional horseshoe where students and staff could congratulate them on completing their schooling here at Allora P-10 State School.
Our 60th Annual Awards Night was a celebration of the secondary students and their sporting, cultural and academic achievements this year. It was wonderful to welcome former students, Katie Dennis and Leading Seaman Alison Dennis, retired HOD-C Mrs Robyn Westerman, Allora legend Mrs Margaret Rackley, Southern Downs Regional Councillor Ross Bartley and our families to the evening. Our students should be very proud of their achievements and successes for 2023.
The Semester 2, 2023 report cards will be emailed to all families in the last week of the school year. Please ensure you have given your current email address to the office staff. There are many students who have worked hard this year, not just academically but in all areas of school life and we are so very proud of the achievements of all of these students.
Some information for the beginning of the 2024 school year:
* The school office will open from 9am-3pm on Monday 15 January 2024 - Friday 19January 2024 for uniform purchases and enrolment interviews;
* Thursday 18 and Friday 19 January are staff professional development days with all staff in attendance;
* On Friday 19 January we will invite all families to the school to drop off their books and meet their teachers. Class information including teachers, will be advised at the book drop off morning;
* School starts on Monday 22 January 2024, with classrooms open from 8:30am. We look forward to welcoming you all to Allora P-10 State School for the 2024 school year.
To those families who are leaving us at the end of the school year, we wish you all the very best and thank you for being part of the Allora P-10 State School over this year.
Wishing you all a safe and relaxing holiday
Office Opening Times - 2024
The school office will open on 15, 16 and 17 January from 9am to 3pm, but will be closed for Professional Development on 18 and 19 January 2024. School will resume on 23 January, with supervision from 8:30am.
Calendar of Events
Student of the Week
Students were awarded certificates on assembly for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Congratulations students!
Tuckshop Roster
The school extends a sincere thank you to our tuckshop convenor Serena and her helpers, for the work they have done throughout 2023.
Remembrance Day
Thank you to our students and families who attended the Allora Community Remembrance Day Service and to our school captains who laid a wreath on behalf of our school community. Lest we forget.
School Crossing Supervisor Relief Position
The Department of Transport and Main Roads invites you to apply for the position of School Crossing Supervisor at Allora P-10 State School.
- Casual pay rates apply (maximum of 1.5 hours per day)
- You must be available mornings and/or afternoons on school day
- You will have to work in all weather conditions and wear full Personal Protective wear
- If you are successful TMR will provide:
- Health Assessment
- Blue Card (for working with children)
- Training
- All personal protective equipment
Department of Transport and Main Roads is an equal opportunity employer
If interested, please contact Jill Sedunary at
Phone 0409 870 433 or 4617 7404
Yarning Circle
On Friday 17 November, we were privileged to invite Kenjin Elder, Aunty Isabelle and Kambuwal-Kamilaroi Elder, Aunty Selena to our school to officially open the Yarning Circle. Proud Kambuwal-Kamilaroi student Shakoba welcomed us to country while Mirri, from the Wakka Wakka nation, performed a traditional smoking ceremony and songs on didgeridoo. Family joined the whole school community in the ceremony. The Yarning Circle project was funded by a grant from ACCIONA Energy (Macintyre) and constructed by Luca Earthworks. As mentioned in her opening address, Aunty Selena reminded us that it is an area to communicate and we are all equal there. Mirri added that the principles of respect, discipline and knowledge should always be remembered when in the yarning circle.
Whole School Celebration Day
Primary Awards Ceremony
Year 7 in 2024
Awards Night
On Tuesday 14 November, we hosted our 60th Secondary Awards evening. The evening celebrated the sporting, cultural and academic achievements of students from Year 7-10, and celebrated the graduation of the Year 10 cohort of 2023. Former student and successful local businesswoman Katie Dennis, local icon, Marg Rackley, former Head of Department (Curriculum) Robyn Westerman, Leading Seaman Alison Dennis and Councillor Ross Bartley attended to present awards to students.
Allora P-10 SS is grateful to the wider community for the support and sponsorship that we receive each year. We also appreciate Julie Garton’s beautiful floral arrangements, the Instrumental Concert Band’s amazing performances and everyone who contributed to make this event such a success.
Lauren Brown - Graduation
Congratulations to Miss Lauren Brown (our current Year 3 teacher) on recently graduating with a Masters of Education from USQ.
A Note from the Library
Borrowing has finished for the year and all books must be returned to our school library now. Library books are very sneaky and can hide in the most peculiar places, eg under beds, in cars and under car seats and even in toy boxes.
Book Club has been very successful for our school library this year. This could not have been achieved without the support of our wonderful parents. Please check out the Scholastic Book Club Loop Order site as this is a convenient way to purchase books without having to send the money in.
I would just like to thank all students for their fantastic borrowing throughout the year. There have been many 'picks in the box' and free books delivered.
Have a happy and safe holiday, Merry Christmas!
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aspirations Program (ATSIAP) State Challenge
Last week, our Junior ATSIAP team, Will, Rhyanna, Rikaya and Fletcher, attended the State ATSIAP finals after winning the DDSW final in Term 3. The team had to prepare a social media package that included a social media tile, a 15 second clip and a 45 second clip, to encourage First Nation youth to make healthy life choices. They also had to prepare and deliver a persuasive essay about why their peers should follow the team’s campaign to improve First Nation health outcomes. Out team competed against 20 other schools from across Queensland.
The team stayed at the Women’s College at UQ in Brisbane for a 3 day camp. They attended Uni experience days at Griffith University, Gold Coast campus and UQ, St Lucia Campus, where they listened to inspirational speakers who shared their journey to Tertiary Education. They enjoyed various hands-on activities across different faculties including a 3dimensional task that had them using their wrists as keypads. An additional 2 challenges were given at the camp as a Trivia Competition and an impromptu advertising campaign with 2 minutes preparation. Our team won the advertising challenge. Fletcher was awarded the “Spirit of ATSIAP” trophy for 2023 for exhibiting all of the ATSIAP principles and leadership while Will was highly commended for this award.
The team were acknowledged by the organisers for their respectful behaviour and the care they showed for other competitors. I am proud of the hard work that went into preparing their submissions this semester, often in lunch breaks, and commend them for their persistence and optimism throughout the competition. They are looking forward to the 2024 ATSIAP challenge.
Mrs Linda Sharman-Bowman
Classroom News
Year 8 Design and Technology - Rubber Band Powered Vehicles
Sports Report and Dates for 2024
Thank you to all parents and community members who supported the school sporting program throughout 2023. Thank you to all students who participated in the sporting program we offered this year.
2024 will continue to provide sporting opportunities for all of our students. Listed below are some of the major events and dates to assist in your planning.
Allora State School Events
- Friday 2 February 2024 – Interhouse Swimming Carnival (9yrs in 2024 to 15 / 16yrs in 2024)
- Friday 22 March – Interhouse Cross Country (all year leavels)
- Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 June – Interhouse Track and Field Carnival (all year levels)
Central Downs Events
- Thursday 15 February – Swimming Carnival (Allora Pool)
- Friday 24 May and Friday 7 June – Gala Days
- Wednesday 17 July and Friday 19 July – Track and Field Carnival
Southern Downs Events
- Tuesday 20 February – Swimming Carnival (WIRAC)
Border District Events
- Monday 29 January - Border District cricket, tennis and touch football trials (Goondiwindi)
- Thursday 8 February – Border District Swimming (Stanthorpe)
- Tuesday 6 February – Border District Winter Trials
- Thursday 23 and Wednesday 29 May – Broncos Netball and Rugby League
There are numerous other events held throughout the year. Students and parents will be informed of these as they approach.
"Fly" Competition
This term, students were involved in a “Fly” competition which tests students jumping and tactical ability. Listed below are the winners of their respective year levels:
Prep – William and Hannah; Year 1 – Connar and Keighley; Year 2 – Quinton and Billie; Year 3 – Luca and Ellie; Year 4 – Declan and Graysen; Year 5 – Jakobi and Ruby; Year 6 – Tristan and Lucy; Year 8 – Karleigh. Congratulations students!
P&C News
The final meeting of the P&C for 2023 was held on 16th November, in the staff room.
A great number of items were discussed, with the highlights being:
- A hat with their embroidered name on it, be given to all Prep students
- The EFTPOS facility has been purchased for P&C / tuckshop use
- School Leaders’ badges to be presented at the end of the year
- Procedural changes to the tuckshop
- Swimming Carnival date given as 2 February 2024
Mrs Rauchle also presented a report on staffing changes for 2024, as well as the numbers of prospective students, and upcoming events.
The first meeting of 2024 will be held on 15 February.
May you all have a safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Kind regards,
Mrs Judy Emms
P&C Roundup for 2023
This busy school year is quickly drawing to a close. It is timely to have a re-cap of the events and programs that our P & C Association has been up to in 2023.
Our Annual General Meeting saw a changing of the guard with Emma Turner taking on the role of President from Alana McMillan and Jo Reisenleiter voted in as Treasurer. An exciting year was bound to happen.
In the first term, our working capital was greatly boosted by generous donations from the Allora Heritage Weekend Committee. With a healthy bank balance, the P&C can once again fund projects to enhance the school in 2024.
In May, Dr Kanowski announced his retirement, after more than 21 years of Principalship at our lovely school. Sincere thanks were extended to him for all his contributions and support of our Association over that time.
The third term saw the arrival of our new Principal, Mrs Megan Rauchle, and a new direction for our School. With this change in leadership, the formation of a Student Council was encouraged and endorsed by the P&C and school staff.
For the first time, a Uniform Shop was organised to sell pre-loved, good quality school uniforms. This was coordinated by Marney and Dani, and very gratefully accepted. With our major fundraising event, the Allora Auction, regretfully cancelled, other events had to be held in its place. Thinking caps were put on and several ideas were bandied about. The Colour Run and an Arts Extravaganza night were settled upon. With a great deal of work from all parties, the Arts Extravaganza was held in September. A sumptuous grazing platter was provided by the P&C prior to the showcasing of our students’ artistic talents. At the start of October the Referendum was held, and we grabbed this opportunity to have a very profitable sausage sizzle and cake stall. October also brought our Colour Run into focus. By all accounts, the students had an amazing, very wet and colourful time. Who said that fundraising has to be a lot of work and no play? A great big ‘Thank you!’ goes to Mrs Rauchle, for her stupendous sportsmanship and good humour in being “slimed” by those students who raised over $100.
A generous grant from ACCIONA, enabled the establishment of a Yarning Circle in our beautiful school grounds.
Hopefully, I have remembered all the highlights of this year. None of these could happen without the generous amounts of time volunteered by our members and the staff of Allora P-10 State School. Thank you.
On behalf of the P&C Association, I wish you all a safe, happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Mrs Judy Emms
Childhood Immunisations
Ozcare are holding their last catch-up Clinic for the year in Toowoomba, on 5 December, starting at 2pm and continuing until 4:45pm. These clinics are at no cost to parents. Appointments can be made via email to Enquiries to 4639 7888.