Newsletter - 7 February 2024
From the Principal
Year 6 Looking Smart in their Shirts
Student Absences
Student of the Week
Calendar of Events
School Photographs
Tuckshop Menu
Tuckshop Roster
School Crossing Supervisor Position
Student Wellbeing Social Worker
Mate Bystander Program
A Note from the Library
Classroom News
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
Extra Sport Information
P&C News
Childhood Immunisations
Community News
From the Principal
Welcome to the 2024 school year at Allora P-10 State School! We have hit the ground running with everyone transitioning to new routines and classrooms. Our classrooms have been very busy with learning starting from day one. It has been a pleasure to watch our new students and families transition to our school, and to welcome back existing families.
Sport has also started and is filling the calendar fast with Central Downs, Southern Downs and Border District trials. Our interhouse swimming carnival was a display of sportsmanship and friendly competition between the two houses. Everyone who participated should be proud of their efforts, and I thank them for participating in all the events. A huge thank you goes to Mr Nott for his organisation of the day, and the school staff for their contributions to allow the day run smoothly.
This year, our whole school is focusing on ensuring all students are supported to reach their potential through the Department of Education’s vision of Equity and Excellence. The goal for all of our students is to be successful in all that they do. Our school community proudly works to ensure positive outcomes for all students, quality teaching and learning for all, and to be a connected and collaborative community. We value your feedback and voice to ensure this is a successful strategy at Allora P-10 State School.
2024 staffing:
Head of Department Curriculum Mrs Leanne Kanowski
Prep Miss Alice Sinnamon
Year 1 Miss Lauren Brown
Year 2 Mr James Turner
Year 3 Mrs Emma Turner
Year 4 Mrs Rhianne White
Year 5 Miss Carmen Hentschel
Year 6 Miss Rachael Heritage
Health and Physical Education Mr Roy Nott
Languages (Year 5&6) Mrs Amber Gill
Digital Technologies Mrs Leanne Kanowski
Head of Department Curriculum Mrs Linda Sharman-Bowman
Year 7 PC Mr Brett Hay Year 8 PC Mrs Nicky Veal
Year 9 PC Mrs Amber Gill Year 10 PC Mr Brad Johnson
English Mr Brett Hay / Mrs Nicky Veal / Mrs Amber Gill
Mathematics Mr Adam Moore
Science Mr Brad Johnson
The Arts Mrs Amber Gill / Mr Adam Moore
Economics and Business Miss Jaclyne Jones
Food and Nutrition Mrs Linda Sharman-Bowman
Health and Physical Education Mr Roy Nott / Mr Brad Johnson
Languages Mrs Amber Gill
Design and Technology Mr Brett Hay / Mrs Nicky Veal
History and Geography Mrs Amber Gill / Mrs Nicky Veal
Civics and Citizenship Miss Jaclyne Jones / Mr Brett Hay
Instrumental Music Mr Stewart Sloan
Support Teachers Miss Kellie Ryan, Mrs Karren Hoare, Mrs Kathryn Hoey
Guidance Officer Mrs Gina Tranberg
Teacher Aides Mrs Cathy Chandler, Mrs Joanne Frizzell, Mrs Lee Harrison, Mrs Rachael Hollands,
Mrs Kylie Rees, Mrs Leesa Stewart, Mrs Lea-Ann Weier, Ms Michelle Wilson
Cleaners and Grounds Mrs Christine Curry, Ms Susan Gesler, Mrs Monica Strachotta
Mr Shane Bowman
Administration Staff Mrs Deb Beveridge (BM), Mrs Melissa Gartery, Ms Brooke Stepanoff
Technical Officer Ms Sarah Watson
From the beginning of 2024, all Queensland state school students will have their mobile phones switched off and ‘away for the day’. 'Away for the day' will support our school in maintaining a strong focus on educational achievement, and student wellbeing and engagement by:
- providing optimal learning and teaching environments;
- encouraging increased face-to-face social interactions between students;
- promoting the health and wellbeing of students through increased physical activity at break times;
- reducing the potential for students to be exposed to the negative impacts of the digital world, resulting from unsafe or inappropriate technology use.
For more information and frequently asked questions, visit the Department’s website
Thank you to our students for the positive way you have engaged with this initiative.
Year 6 Looking Smart in their Shirts
Student Absences
“Every Day Counts” for every student. Under Queensland law, you must make sure your child of school age is enrolled and attends school all day, every school day unless they have a reasonable excuse. Illness, doing work experience, competing in a school sporting event or going on a school excursion are reasonable excuses for being absent from school. Avoid keeping your child away from school for birthdays, shopping, visiting family and friends, if they sleep in, looking after other children, minor check ups or care such as haircuts. Routine medical or other health appointments should be made either before or after school or during the school holidays.
You are reminded that it is a legal requirement to have all student absences explained (an explanation – not a message that “they are away today”).
Please use one of the following methods, recording the student’s name and reason for absence:
- SMS anytime to 0429 316 194 (preferred);
- reply to the SMS sent out each morning a student is absent;
- call student absence line 4666 7266; or
- phone the school office.
Class Dojo or emails are NOT to be used to advise of student absences. All unexplained absences are followed up with a formal letter which must be completed, signed and returned to the school. We would appreciate your help in having all student absences explained.
Please note that early departures and late arrivals have a significant impact on percentage of class attendance, and students must be signed in/out through the school office.
Student of the Week
Students were awarded certificates on assembly for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Congratulations students!
Calendar of Events
School Photographs
School photos will be taken on Thursday 29 February. Envelopes have been distributed to students with details about how to purchase/order photos.
We encourage the use of the online option at using access key VC8MFFJ2. You may also place the correct cash amount in the envelope and provide it to the photographers on the day. All instructions are clearly stated on the envelope.
Should you wish to have a sibling photo taken, please collect a separate SIBLING PHOTOGRAPH ENVELOPE from the school office. These photos will be taken at 8:30am (before school) in the school Performing Arts Hall and it is the family’s responsibility to arrive at this time and present to the photographers.
As usual, it is expected that all students will be neatly presented and dressed in full school uniform for the photos. Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Tuckshop Menu
When ordering tuckshop, Prep to Year 6 orders are to be written on paper bags and dropped in to the tuckshop prior to school commencing. Years 7 through to 10 order directly from the tuckshop, prior to school.
Please use a separate bag for each child and each break. Confusion can occur when orders are combined.
Name: Jane Smith Year: 4
First break:
Chicken Salad Roll $7.60
Water $2.20
TOTAL: $9.80 enclosed
Tuckshop Roster
HELP!! As you can see from the roster below, we are very, very short on volunteers. Please consider volunteering some time to help out at the tuckshop.
We sincerely thank those who already volunteer their time and remind you to contact Serena with an SMS or phone call before school if you are unable to work on your rostered day. Thank you.
School Crossing Supervisor Position
We are once again looking for a School Crossing Supervisor.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads invites you to apply for the position of School Crossing Supervisor at Allora P-10 State School.
- Casual pay rates apply (maximum of 1.5 hours per day)
- You must be available mornings and/or afternoons on school days
- You will be required to work in all weather conditions and wear full Personal Protective wear
If you are successful TMR will provide:
- Health Assessment
- Blue Card (for working with children)
- Training
- All personal protective equipment
Department of Transport and Main Roads is an equal opportunity employer.
If interested, please contact Jill Sedunary at Phone 0409 870 433 or 4617 7404
Student Wellbeing Social Worker
Hello, my name is Donna Drinan, and I am the Student Wellbeing Social Worker at Allora State School every Monday.
What is the Student Wellbeing program?
It is an initiative that sees Social Workers employed in schools to provide emotional support, counselling and skill building with children.
What can a Student Wellbeing Social Worker do?
A Student Wellbeing Social Worker can work with children who experience social and emotional challenges that might interfere with their learning in the classroom or their relationships at school.
At Allora State School, I will spend the majority of my time delivering a small group program to support social skills and emotional resilience and will commence working with the Year 4 students in Term 1. If you do not wish your student to participate in groupwork, please let your principal know.
I am looking forward to making a positive contribution towards the wellbeing of students at school.
Mate Bystander Program
The Allora SCOPE Club have generously sponsored a program offered by Griffith University called The MATE Bystander Program. This program aims to engage participants in discussions about abusive behaviour and the ways we unwittingly create a culture that nurtures gender inequality. The Program is designed to teach community members how to recognise abuse and have the confidence to speak out and offer help. SCOPE is offering our Year 6 and 7 students an opportunity to be part of the MATE Bystander Program free of charge. The program will be facilitated by personnel from Griffith University.
- Date: Monday 25 March
- Venue: B04 classroom
- Session Time: 9am – 12pm (Year 6)
12.30 – 3pm (Year 7)
If you DO NOT WANT your child to attend, please email before 9am, Friday 22 March.
For more information about the program, please use the following link:
A Note from the Library
Welcome to another school year. Library borrowing will commence in the not-too-distant future. Would you please make sure that your child has a library bag when borrowing from the library. If you cannot get one, I have some spare. Pillowcases also make great library bags, as do shopping bags.
Book Club leaflets have been handed out to students. Parents can either order online at or download the LOOP app, or alternatively, pay by cash by sending the order form and money into the school office.
Have a great week.
Classroom News
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
Our annual Interhouse Swimming Carnival was held at the Allora Pool on Friday, 2 February. Congratulations to all swimmers on their effort and enthusiasm throughout the day. Special thanks goes to all who worked to make the carnival a success.
Congratulations to Blake Rees in Gwynne House, who broke two records: 13 Years Boys 50m Breaststroke in a time of 40.39 (old record 45.20, Mark Mason, Deacon, 1987); 13 Years Boys 50m Butterfly 36.31 (old record 41.26, Matthew Kanowski, Deacon, 2006). Your training has really paid off, Blake.
Deacon House won the Cheer Squad Trophy, while Gwynne House won the Apex Shield for most points on the day. There were no 9-year-old boys who qualified for Age Champion points. Age Champions, Runners-Up and Third Place Age Champions are listed below. Well done to the following students: 9Yrs Anabel, Pippa, Billie; 10Yrs Jesse, Luca, Lloyd; Ellie, Ruby, Tiffany; 11Yrs James, Alex, Aydan; Chelsea, Bailey, Graysen; 12Yrs Jackson, Flynn, Riley; Ella, Mia, Millie; 13Yrs Blake, Tristan, Ben; Rikaya, Molly, Caitlyn; 14Yrs Benjamin, Zavier, (no third awarded); Claire, Karleigh, Chaylah; 15/16Yrs Zac, Orry, Ben; Matilda, Shakoba, Carly.
Watch the newsletter Events Calendar for other sporting dates that are coming up, including our Cross Country towards the end of this term. You might like to start training for this, late in the afternoons.
Extra Sport Information
Please see below a list of sporting events to be held this term. Students have been or will be spoken to about the opportunities available to them and all paperwork will be provided to the students.
- Warwick All Schools Swimming Carnival – Thursday 15 February – students in Years 7-10 (aged 12-16 years)
- Central Downs Rugby League trials – boys and girls 10-12yrs – Friday 23 February
- Central Downs Netball trials - boys and girls 10-12yrs – Friday 23 February
- Central Downs Soccer trials - boys and girls 10-12yrs – Friday 23 February
- Southern Downs Cricket trials – boys and girls 10-12yrs – Friday 23 February
- AFL trials - boys and girls 10-12yrs – Monday 26 February
- Central Downs Tennis – boys and girls 10-12yrs – Friday 1 March
- Southern Downs Basketball trials - boys and girls 10-12yrs – Monday 4 March
- Southern Downs Touch trials – boys and girls 10-12yrs – Tuesday 5 March
- Central Downs Triathlon – boys and girls 9-12yrs – Friday 8 March –
- Jim Stevens/Steph Hancock Rugby League Competition – secondary boys and girls in Years 7-10 – Monday 11 March
- Interhouse Cross Country – all students – Allora P-10 State School – Friday 22 March
- Central Downs Cross Country – boys and girls 10-12yrs – Wednesday 26 March
Thank you to Mr Johnson for accompanying students to Border District trials in Goondiwindi on 29 January. Congratulations to the following students who gained selection in Border District teams to attend Darling Downs trials: Will Cantwell for Cricket and Orry Gilmore and Ben Rauchle for Touch Football.
Border District Rugby League trials were held on Tuesday 6 February. Congratulations to JoJo Beresford, Orry Gilmore, Ben Rauchle and Zac Wheeldon who were selected in the Border District team to attend a Darling Downs Gala Day on Monday 16 February in Toowoomba.
Sophie Masters, Skye Taylor and Matilda Rees went to Border District Netball trials, enjoying their day but were unsuccessful in selection.
Will Ballangarry, Cash Pomana, Isaac Robson, Anthony Coverdale and Alex Anderson attended the Border District Soccer trials on Tuesday as well. Isaac and Cash were selected to play in the Possibles v Probables, but were unsuccessful in gaining a spot on the Border District team.
P&C News
We invite you to attend our next P&C meeting on Thursday 15 February, at 6:00pm in the school staffroom. We look forward to seeing you there.
Childhood Immunisations
Ozcare run Childhood Immunisation clinics at school, for students in Years 7 and 10. These clinics are at no cost to parents. Clinics will be held at Allora P-10 State School in March and August. Forms will be sent home with each Year 7 and Year 10 student. Even if you do not wish to have your child immunised at the clinic, please complete the relevant section of the form and return to the school. Forms are to be returned by Wednesday 21 February. Enquiries can be made via email to or phone 4639 7888.
Community News
The Centre for Healthy Living in Warwick is delivering both the Secret Agent Society Program (SAS) and PEERS Programs this year, with applications for Semester 1 programs closing soon, which may be of interest to parents, teachers and school staff. Please see flyers below. For further information, please contact Sharon Fern, Developmental Educator, at the Centre for Healthy Living on Ph: 4661 3340 or Mbl: 0493 803 130.