Newsletter - 1 May 2024
From the Principal
Welcome to Term 2 at Allora P-10 State School. We have been very busy in and out of our classrooms as we have all begun the term by focusing on being prepared. Our students took time to reflect on their Term 1 academic and social efforts and set some realistic and personal goals for Term 2. This week, our whole school focus is centred around being resilient and teaching our students problem solving strategies, how to seek support from those around them, and strategies to embrace their strengths and like who they are.
Last week, our school community gathered to commemorate ANZAC Day. This service was a beautiful way to remember the events of the day as well as thank those service men and women who continue to serve. Our students and staff also represented our school at the town march held on ANZAC Day. Thank you to those students and families who participated in this event. You did our school proud!
Thank you to the parents who took the opportunity to attend our parent teacher interviews. I would also like to thank the staff for the efforts they put into sharing student information and academic progress with families. Our staff are always willing to meet with families and I encourage you to make a time to meet your child’s teacher if you were unable to attend the offered date. Please call the office and we will organise these meetings. Semester 1 report cards will be sent home in Week 10 of this term.
Our Year 10 students spent Tuesday exploring their options for tertiary education at UniSQ. They returned to school excited about what is on offer locally for further education. Please read their article in this newsletter.
Life Education will be at the school this week. Life Ed (and Harrold) have been an important part of growing up for more than 1.5 million Queensland children – empowering them with knowledge and skills for a healthy, safe life since 1987. Each module provides core knowledge and skills in a fun, interactive and age-appropriate manner. Our Primary students will be attending programs focusing on:
- Nutrition, healthy eating and the importance of physical activity
- Personal safety
- Respectful relationships and emotional well-being
- Cybersafety and strategies to combat cyber-bullying
- Safety with medicines
- The effects of smoking and alcohol on the body
- Legal and illegal drugs.
Our instrumental music teacher Mr Stew Sloan has reduced his working fraction and will no longer be working at Allora SS. I would like to thank Mr Sloan on behalf of the staff, students and families for all of his efforts during his time teaching here. These positions are regionally funded and staffed and we will be welcoming Mr Bill Sharp as our Instrumental Music Teacher beginning this week. Instrumental lessons will now be held on a Friday. As it is Mr Sharp’s first week, there will be no band. He has advised that lessons will be held throughout the day following the term timetable set by Mr Sloan. The hall will be the venue for the lessons and band practice.
Please find an article in this newsletter regarding Q Parents. Q Parents is a secure online portal free to all Queensland state schools. It provides parents quick and easy access to:
- view upcoming events
- access and provide digital consent
- view timetables
- view and update student and attendance details (including future absences)
- view behaviour information
- view and pay invoices
- access payment history
- access report cards and assessment planner
- access enrolment history
All families received an invitation from our administration staff with sign up information. We will be having a raffle draw of a meat tray for one family who has signed up between now and our next newsletter. If you would like to join, please contact the office for support.
Kind regards,
Calendar of Events
Please note the change of date for our Interhouse Athletics Carnival.
Tuckshop News
HELP!! As you can see from the roster below, we are very, very short on volunteers. Please consider volunteering some time to help out at the tuckshop.
We sincerely thank those who already volunteer their time and remind you to contact Serena with an SMS or phone call before school if you are unable to work on your rostered day. Thank you.
Student of the Week
Students were awarded certificates on assembly for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Also, each week teachers nominate a student who has displayed our school values to go in the draw for a $5 tuckshop voucher (the golden ticket). Congratulations students!
QParents - Sign Up Now
Following is a link to an introuductory video for QParents - QParents Introductory Video
Every Day Counts
Excursion to UniSQ
On Tuesday 30 April, fifteen Year 10s travelled to UniSQ in Toowoomba for a fun learning experience at their Discovery Day. During the day, students from multiple schools around the area joined in various activities relating to university courses and different career paths. Some of these activities included wire sculpting, coding, mechanical engineering, moisture monitoring and Artificial Intelligence in the future. This was a great experience for the students and a special thankyou goes to the attending staff.
A Note from the Library
Welcome back to another school term. Library borrowing continues as normal and your child’s library day is as follows: -
Tranquil Tuesday:
- Year 2
- Year 3
- Year 6
Wacky Wednesday:
- Year 1
- Year 4
Thoughtful Thursday:
- Prep
- Year 5
Students are able to access SORA on a device at home if they choose to, using their school user name. If your child does not know their username, please contact our school office. SORA is a great way to borrow books online and it automatically returns books after 2 weeks. If you haven’t had a look at SORA, please download the app and have a browse.
Other exciting news is that Book Fair is coming. Book Fair will be held in our school library and will run from Thursday 16 May to Tuesday 21 May. Please note that Book Fair is not open on the weekend but will be open before school, second break and after school until 3:45pm. Proceeds from the fair contribute to the purchase of new books for our school library. EFTPOS is available and we will see you at the Fair.
Fletcher Receives Award
On Assembly on 15 April, Fletcher received a trophy and prizes for winning the 2024 QATSIF Junior Yarning With Elders Award. Congratulations Fletcher.
Sports Report
Interhouse Cross Country - A sincere thanks is extended to the Allora Golf Club for the use of their fabulous facility for the running of our annual Interhouse Cross Country. Gwynne House were triumphant, on 188 points, with Deacon House concluding the day on 137 points.
Congratulations to our Age Champions, Runners-Up and Third Place Age Champions. Overall winners were Will in Year 10 and Chaylah in Year 9. Thank you to all staff who assisted with the organisation and running of the cross country.
Please note that the Interhouse Athletics Carnival is now to be held on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June.
School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI)
The Australian Government is providing up to 30,000 eligible families with no internet at home, a free National Broadband (NBN) service.
Eligible families can nominate to receive a free service up until 31 December 2024 and the duration of the free service will continue until 31 December 2025 for all existing and new families.
To be eligible a family must:
- Have a child living at home that is enrolled in an Australian school
- Have no active broadband service over the NBN network
- Live in a premises where they can access a standard NBN service
- Not have had an active NBN service during the previous 14 days
For families to check eligibility they must contact the National Referral Centre, operated by Anglicare Victoria on 1800 954 610 (Monday to Friday, between 10am and 6pm AEDT) whereby eligibility will be assessed.
For further details and information visit: