Newsletter - 15 August 2024
Principal's Report
Welcome to the half-way point of Term 3. It is amazing how fast the term and year are flying by.
As it is the winter term, we have had many cases of illnesses throughout the school, and I thank those families who are keeping unwell children at home to recover and for the understanding of those who have had to collect children from the sick bay. It seems that there are still many nasty bugs and viruses making their way through the community, please take care of yourselves.
Due to weather and track conditions, the Southern Downs Track and Field Day has been postponed to Friday 16 August. We wish our students attending the carnival all the best. If the weather dictates another postponement, we will be in touch via the school Facebook page and text messages to families.
Congratulations to our secondary students who have attended the Warwick All Schools and Border District Track & Field Carnivals. We are very proud of these students’ efforts and congratulate them on their displays of sportsmanship and encouragement. A report of results is included in the Sports News section of this newsletter.
Friday 23 August will see us welcoming all of our favourite book characters to the school for Book Week. The theme for this year is ‘Reading is Magic’ and the school has purchased many of this year’s shortlisted and winning books for the library. All are welcome to attend our character parade in the hall at 9am.
Friday 30 August is a Student Free Day. All staff will be attending school on the day for Professional Development sessions. These sessions will include First Aid for our teacher aides and support sessions for the implementation of Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum and the Department's P-12 Framework with staff from District Office. We look forward to working with the staff from District Office as our school staff are committed to meeting the benchmarks of the Department’s vision for Equity and Excellence for all students.
Parent teacher interviews will be held on Monday 2 September. Booking information will be sent through to families via email. Please contact the school if the times and dates are not suitable and book an appointment with your child’s teacher at a mutually agreeable date and time.
Calendar of Events
Tuckshop News
SOUTHERN DOWNS ATHLETICS - tomorrow, Friday 16 August - please pop in and help us. Tuckshop will be on the oval - no pre-ordering thanks.
Can you help us out by volunteering some time at the tuckshop, or maybe you know someone who can? Just an hour or two, on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning would be helpful. As you can see from the roster below, we are very, very short on volunteers. Please consider volunteering some time to help our school out.
We sincerely thank those who already volunteer their time and remind you to contact Karissa with an SMS or phone call before school if you are unable to work on your rostered day. Thank you.
Student of the Week
Students were awarded certificates on assembly for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Also, each week teachers nominate a student who has displayed our school values to go in the draw for a $5 tuckshop voucher (the golden ticket). Congratulations students!
Year 7 Transition Day
A Note from the Library
Thank you to all parents and carers who have supported the latest issue of Book Club. Some students have already received their orders, but more are coming each day and will be given to the students as soon as possible. Using the LOOP order online at Scholastic Book Club, allows you to order anytime.
It’s so nice to see students using SORA on their devices at school. Did you know that eBooks have many benefits, and it gives access to over 85,000 resources including eBooks, read-along books and audio books? It is accessible anywhere, anytime and it also has a wide range of accessible features such as adjustable listening and lighting settings, customisable font styles and sizes (including dyslexia font) and vocabulary support. If you do not know your child’s login you can telephone the school office as they will be more than happy to help you with this.
Book Week is getting closer, the theme being “Reading is Magic”. To celebrate Book Week this year, we are having a dress up day on Friday 23 August. Students are encouraged to come as their favourite book character. Please remember, something simple is often the best. You do not need to buy an expensive costume for this day.
Have a great week!
Chess News
Twenty-five Allora State School students entered the Warwick and District Chess Tournament in July. In the primary division James came 4th, Jackson finished 5th and Aydan ended up 6th. In the secondary pool Alex , Cash and Callum all finished equal 13th. It was pleasing to note that everyone took home at least one win, and the behaviour and interest demonstrated throughout the day was exemplary.
Moving forward, a collection of schools from Warwick and surrounds (including Allora) are building an online interschool tournament. The aim is to be ready for an interschool tournament in the last two weeks of the year. Until then, every Thursday from 12:55pm in the Science lab, is the place to develop and hone your Chess skills!
Have a great day out there.
My New Gallery
Sports Report
Border District Athletics Carnival - On 25 July, eight secondary students attended the Border District Athletics Carnival at Warwick State High School. Students participated well, showing great sportsmanship and were runners-up in both the Small Schools Trophy (P-10) and the Schools Average Trophy, behind Texas State School. A special mention to our boys’ relay team who competed in the 15Yrs event, coming home with second place. Well done, Blake (13), Zavier (14), Alex (15) and Will (13)! Congratulations also to Blake who was awarded the 13Yrs Boys Runner-Up Age Champion at the carnival. Well done!
Futsal – Alex, Cash, Milo and Will attended the Darling Downs Futsal trials in Toowoomba on 29 July. Good job boys on your commitment to sport and getting in and having a go.
Warwick All Schools – A team of 14 secondary students competed in various track and field events at the Warwick All Schools Athletics Carnival at Scots PGC on Wednesday 7 August, with Allora placing third in the Allora P&C Overall School Average trophy. Congratulations to Ella who was awarded the 12Yrs Girls Age Champion, to Jackson who was the 12Yrs Boys Runner-Up Age Champion and Blake who was awarded the 13Yrs Boys Runner-Up Age Champion. Very well done, students.
From this carnival, three secondary students will attend the 13-19Yrs Darling Downs Athletics Trials in Toowoomba next week. Good luck to Blake, Zavier and Shakoba.
Southern Downs Athletics Carnival – This carnival was postponed from Wednesday this week, to tomorrow (Friday 16 August). Tuckshop will be on the oval. There will be no pre-ordering of food. Selected Allora students will participate as part of the Central Downs team at this carnival. Best wishes, students.
Allora Community Hall Reopening
On Tuesday 7 August, our School Captains and Mrs Sharman attended the reopening of the Allora Community Hall by Southern Downs Regional Council. The students enjoyed a tour of the facility, listened to some of the history about the hall and learned about what renovations were made to make the building structurally safe again for community use. These future community leaders have an understanding of the significance of community facilities and saw democracy in action at local council level.