Newsletter 5 September 2024
Principal's Report
Calendar of Events
Student of the Week and Golden Ticket
Pie Drive
Celebrating Queensland School Crossing Supervisors
Raising Funds for the Sensory Garden
A Note from the Library
Student Article
50 Years of Early Childhood Education
RU OK? Wear Yellow on
Sports Report
Give Away
Classroom News
Community News
Principal's Report
Term 3 is quickly coming to an end with many events still to occur on the school calendar to get us to our well-deserved spring holidays!
Book Week was a wonderful celebration of the magic of reading and all of our favourite book characters. Thank you to everyone who dressed up for this event, our staff who turned out in their Harry Potter themed outfits and, a very special thank you to Mrs Weier for organising our parade.
This Friday 6 September, our Year 3-6 students will be travelling to the Central Downs Ball Games Carnival at the Clifton Rec Grounds. The cost of bus transportation will be covered by the school to ensure our students are able to participate.
On Monday 9 September, our Year 10 students are off on the annual Canberra Trip. This trip is full of educational experiences in the nation’s capital and also life experiences such as navigating airports and motel accommodation. We will be joined by staff and students from Killarney on this trip. A very big thank you to our local community groups and businesses who have assisted in fundraising and donating to this cause.
During week 10, our Year 5 students are heading off to a culminating excursion to experience what life was like in the gold rush days in Australia. These excursions take much planning and can be costly. To ensure all students can attend and participate in these learning experiences, the school is currently funding most of the costs involved. To help support this, our student council has voted to run a pie drive fundraiser. All classes are in the running to win a class picnic in the park for the most pies sold. Thank you in advance for your support in selling pies to our community members.
The Department of Education is dedicated to delivering services that prioritise equity and excellence for all students and their surrounding communities. In alignment with the department's initiatives, we have recently redefined a school role to better address the needs of our students and their families. Ms Kellie Ryan has been appointed as the Head of Department for Student Services (Acting). This role is designed to enhance student engagement, foster academic and social achievements and provide support to both families and school personnel.
With the creation of this role, there will no longer be two different staff employed in the curriculum roles at the school. Mrs Linda Sharman-Bowman will be leading the Version 9 curriculum implementation, implementation of the department’s reading requirements and ensuring pedagogical practices are age appropriate and meeting the needs of students across the whole school. In accordance with these changes, a new structure for which staff member families should speak with regarding concerns about their children will be implemented. You will be directed by the office staff to the correct person for your inquiry. I thank you in advance as we navigate this process.
This week, the Department celebrates and recognises all Teacher Aides through Teacher Aide Appreciation Week. Teacher Aides support our students’ learning, assist our school staff to keep classrooms running smoothly and are unassuming of the valuable contribution they make to the school community. I am sure you all join me in giving a huge thank you to our wonderful teacher aides, we are very lucky to have you!
Calendar of Events
Student of the Week and Golden Ticket
Students were awarded certificates on assembly for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Also, each week teachers nominate a student who has displayed our school values to go in the draw for a $5 tuckshop voucher (the golden ticket). Congratulations students!
Pie Drive
On Tuesday 20 August, the Student Council voted to hold a school-wide pie drive with O’Donnells Bakehouse. The money raised will go towards excursions and camps across the school.
They also voted to have a class incentive – Mrs Rauchle has agreed that the class that raises the most money (averaged) will have a PARTY IN THE PARK. This will involve dividing money equally between siblings if necessary.
Forms were sent home with the eldest in the family. There are more forms at the office for anyone who wants another one.
Forms and money must be returned by the last Wednesday of this term (11 September) and pies can be collected on the first Thursday back from 2:30pm (3 October).
Can you help us out by volunteering some time at the tuckshop, or do you know someone who can help?
As you can see from the roster below, we are very, very short on volunteers. Please consider volunteering some time to help our school out.
We sincerely thank those who already volunteer their time and remind you to contact Karissa with an SMS or phone call before school if you are unable to work on your rostered day. Thank you.
Celebrating Queensland School Crossing Supervisors
This year, Queensland’s School Crossing Supervisor Scheme celebrates 40 years of keeping kids safe as they travel to and from school.
We'd like to say a big thank you to our wonderful School Crossing Supervisors, Merrida and Judith, for everything you do for our students and school community! You do a great job keeping our students and other pedestrians safe as they cross the road in peak drop-off and pick-up times.
Why not say a big thank you the next time you see them on duty! You can also show your appreciation for School Crossing Supervisors by slowing down, following directions and being courteous while travelling in our school zone.
Did you know?
- The School Crossing Supervisor Scheme is operated by the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
- There are more than 2000 school crossing supervisors who operate over 1300 crossings at more than 700 Queensland schools.
- There has not been a single fatality on a supervised crossing since the scheme started in 1984.
Raising Funds for the Sensory Garden
The Year 8 class are holding a sausage sizzle on Tuesday 10 September 2024 (second break) to assist them in their fundraising for the School Garden Projects. Order forms and money are to be returned by this coming Monday 9 September 2024. Order forms were sent home with students earlier this week. Please return the form in the envelope attached to the order, with money enclosed, stating what is required in your student’s order. (Separate envelope and order form for each student).
A Note from the Library
Book Club has now been ordered and will be given out as soon as it arrives.
As we are nearing the end of term, now is a great time to look for those misplaced library books. Please send them along to school with your students.
Remember during the school holidays students are able to access SORA on their iPad or other devices. SORA has a wide range of books to borrow including graphic novels and even magazines. You can also access audiobooks anywhere, anytime, with SORA. You can listen at your own pace whenever you like. All you need is your student’s logon which can be obtained by telephoning the school office.
Finally, I would like to thank all students and staff who dressed up as part of Book Week celebrations. It was a wonderful day and the morning parade was a great way to showcase their costumes. During the week we read a book called “The Concrete Garden”. We created a concrete garden on the library path by drawing lots of flowers, bugs and rainbows during the week with chalk for all to see. It certainly brightened up the path to the library.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Student Article
50 Years of Early Childhood Education
RU OK? Wear Yellow on
Student Council would like to remind students that Thursday Week 10 (12 September) is R U OK day! Students are asked to dress in YELLOW to support this day (no gold coin donation needed). Thank you for supporting this initiative.
Sports Report
Southern Downs – Congratulations to Ella (Yr 7) Age Champion and Ellie (Yr 4) Runner-Up Age Champion, at the recent Southern Downs Athletics Carnival. Well done to these two students, along with Jackson (Yr 7), Graysen (Yr 5) and Will (Yr 5) who, through their performances at this carnival, were chosen and participated at the 10-12Yrs Darling Downs Carnival in Toowoomba on Tuesday 20 August.
Darling Downs 13-19Yrs Athletics – Well done to Blake, Zavier and Shakoba who attended this carnival in Toowoomba recently. All students performed well, with Zavier finishing 7th in the final of his 100m event.
Congratulations to Blake who finished 4th in discus and 3rd in the final of his 100m event. His performance has gained him selection in the Darling Downs Team to attend the State Carnival in Brisbane from 11-14 October. We wish Blake all the best and we look forward to some good results at this event.
Central Downs Ball Games and Sports Development Officers Day – Good luck to our students in Years 3-6 who will be involved in ball games and a variety of sporting activities in Clifton on Friday.
Roy Nott
Give Away
The school has the following items to give away. First in, first served.