Newsletter 21 June 2023
From the Principal
Farewell Dr Kanowski
Every Day Counts
New Tuckshop Menu
Student of the Week
Second-Hand Uniform Sale
A Note from the Library
Transition Day Tomorrow
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Wadjiny Performance
Reconciliation Week Colouring Competition
Gala Day
Track and Field Carnival
School Support Staff
Footy Tipping Update
Raffle Winners
Community News
From the Principal
At our P&C meeting held last Thursday 15 June at 7pm, fundraising and an electronic ordering / purchasing system was discussed in detail. This will certainly be helpful to school families, especially where both parents are working and find it difficult to access the school in person. I encourage as many parents / carers to attend P&C meetings to ensure that you have a say in these and other important matters. My very best wishes to our P&C for all future ventures.
Our own Interhouse Track and Field Carnival was held on Thursday 15 and Friday 16 June. Well done to all students who participated in the various events and congratulations to all place getters, age champions, record breakers and the sporting house of Gwynne, for taking out the war cry trophy and overall points trophy. A BIG thank you to Mr Nott, Mrs Sparksman, Mr Bowman, Ms Fiechtner and her tuckshop helpers, staff, parents and carers for their involvement – a real team effort! Results from our carnival are on the following pages of this School Link.
On Monday 19 June our students experienced an Arts Council performance called “Wadjiny”. This entertaining exploration into First Nations culture and day to day life in a hunter gatherer society, left our students with a lasting insight into Aboriginal histories and customs. The performer, Troy, combined dance, storytelling and music and swiftly encouraged students and teachers to join him in the dance as they all tried to mimic the kangaroo, emu and other Australian animals using their newly learned movements that stretch back thousands of years. Troy also had a fine collection of artefacts - weapons, tools, nets and other everyday items all used to fully engage and educate. Our students thoroughly enjoyed this engaging experience and learned about our First Nations culture in a most positive way.
I am pleased to announce that a permanent Principal has been appointed to our school for the commencement of Term 3. Ms Megan Rauchle has accepted the position. Ms Rauchle is currently the Principal of Emerald North State School. I’m sure you join me in welcoming Ms Rauchle to our school community.
Given this is my last School Link report as Principal of Allora P-10 State School, I would like to take this opportunity to say farewell and best wishes to our school community. Whatever I do in the future, and wherever I go, I will always look back on my 21 ½ years at Allora with fond memories. Being Principal at this great school has been the biggest privilege and honour of my professional life. I wish every one of you here all the very best for the future, wherever it may take you. Alexander Milne, author of Winnie-the-Pooh, says, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” His words certainly resonate with me.
My best wishes for a restful and safe winter holiday. School resumes on Monday 10 July.
Yours sincerely
Farewell Dr Kanowski
An address given on assembly, 12 June.
"It is my pleasure to return to this assembly this morning to congratulate Dr Kanowski on his years of service to Education in Queensland and to wish him a very happy and healthy retirement. I know he will want me to keep this very brief, but before he leaves, I would like to acknowledge his contribution to teaching and the administration at many schools throughout Queensland. Dr Kanowski started his teaching career at Capella State School in 1988. He was promoted to Principal of Beardmore State School in 1990 and went on to be Principal at Bajool State School, Glenden P-12 State School and finally Allora P-10 State School.
Dr Kanowski not only worked at each of these schools but spent significant time advocating for P-10/P-12 schools like ours through his role as President of P10/P12 Association, a role he held for 10 years. He has also contributed much to state school sport through the many years he spent accompanying our Qld tennis team as they travelled from State to State for the National Championships. Always looking to improve his knowledge and understanding of his profession, in 2020 he completed his Doctorate of Education.
Students at Allora will also know that Dr Kanowski, besides doing his Principal duties, is a multi-talented teacher who has taught many of you to play 'Chariots of Fire' or the 'National Anthem' on the recorder, demonstrated how to roll sushi in the catering kitchen or perhaps coached you to clear the high jump bar at athletics time. Always involved in student activities, he may have ridden with you around town when learning about bike safety, flogged you at table tennis or shared a favourite book with you during reading time. Allora P-10 State School has been fortunate to have Dr Kanowski as Principal since 2002, providing us with consistent leadership and ensuring we were top of the class when it came to each school review.
Dr Kanowski could you please come forward? Please accept this certificate recognising your 35 years of service to Education Queensland and also a small gift that I’m sure you will enjoy planting when you have a little more time for gardening at the end of term.
Please stand and acknowledge Dr Kanowski with a big round of applause.
Thank you."
ROBYN WESTERMAN (former Head of Curriculum)
Every Day Counts
“Every Day Counts” for every student. Under Queensland law, you must make sure your child of school age is enrolled and attends school all day, every school day unless they have a reasonable excuse. Illness, doing work experience, competing in a school sporting event or going on a school excursion are reasonable excuses for being absent from school. Avoid keeping your child away from school for birthdays, shopping, visiting family and friends, if they sleep in, looking after other children, minor check ups or care such as haircuts. Routine medical or other health appointments should be made either before or after school or during the school holidays.
You are reminded that it is a legal requirement to have all student absences explained (an explanation – not a message that “they are away today”).
Please use one of the following methods, recording the student’s name and reason for absence:
- SMS anytime to 0429 316 194 (preferred);
- reply to the SMS sent out each morning a student is absent;
- call student absence line 4666 7266; or
- phone the school office.
Class Dojo or emails are NOT to be used to advise of student absences. All unexplained absences are followed up with a formal letter which must be completed, signed and returned to the school. We would appreciate your help in having all student absences explained. Percentage of class attendance below:
New Tuckshop Menu
HELP!! As you can see from the roster below, we are very, very short on volunteers. Please consider volunteering some time to help out at the tuckshop.
We thank the few people who already volunteer their time at Tuckshop. Without support from our wonderful volunteers, we would struggle to run. If there are any problems or you are unable to volunteer on your rostered day, please let Serena know with an SMS or phone call before school. Thank you.
Student of the Week
The following students are awarded certificates for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Congratulations students!
Second-Hand Uniform Sale
Do you have any good quality uniforms you no longer need? What about other items that kids need for school, eg: school shoes, running shoes, rash shirts, swimming togs, bags?
Did your child grow out of them before they could wear them out? Why not donate them so these items can have a second life?
The P&C are collecting good quality items that can be re-sold to families to help lower the cost of the new semester. Items can be dropped in the donation box outside the school office. They will be washed (if necessary), sorted and readied for sale.
P&C second-hand uniform sale
Outside B Block 8am-9am
Monday 17 July. All items $2!!!
A Note from the Library
Thank you to all parents and staff who support our students with library borrowing. This term has been great and many students are well on their way to their second pick in the box.
All books are now due back to our library before the school holidays. If you are unable to locate overdue library books, please have a thorough look during the school holidays. Library books hide in the most unusual places.
Have a restful break. See you next term.
Transition Day Tomorrow
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Date claimer for parent / teacher interviews - whole school - Monday 17 July from 3pm to 5pm. An email with instructions and links for booking interviews online through SOBS has been sent to parents / carers.
Wadjiny Performance
On Monday our students were treated to a unique performance by "Wadjiny". Wadjiny is a Bundjalung First Nation performer who travels around the world educating schools about his culture. Students and staff thoroughly enjoyed watching and joining in the performance.
Reconciliation Week Colouring Competition
Students from Allora P-10 SS recently submitted entries in the 2023 Reconciliation Week colouring competition. Congratulations to the following winners:
- Early Childhood - 1st place Annabel; highly commended - Keighley, Chloe, Ella
- Primary - 1st place Anabel; highly commended - Ellie
Gala Day
The second Central Downs Gala Day was held on Friday of Week 8. At soccer, our students showed great sportsmanship in all their games. Many students supported other teams by cheering from the sidelines or playing for the other side. Thank you to the junior players who stepped up to play in the senior games as well as their junior games. The students learned a lot with the Senior A team coming away winners and the Junior Team 1 earning runners up.
Congratulations to the Rugby League players who were runners up at the carnival.
Our three Allora netball teams put in an outstanding performance at the recent Central Downs Gala Days, held on the Allora SS grounds. Despite many of our Juniors having never played netball before, they picked up the skills and knowledge of rules quickly, sailing through to the finals in an undefeated run and going on to win in the final against Nobby SS. The Senior B team also featured many players new to the sport, all of whom improved greatly across the two days, coming away with 4th place in the competition. Our Senior A team, fresh from the success of Primary Broncos, ran like a well-oiled machine, with the team again coming away as undefeated overall winners of the carnival. More importantly than winning, our students demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship throughout the carnival, supporting and encouraging each other and assisting other teams with extra players where needed. Congratulations students on your participation and success - the future of netball is looking bright at Allora!
Gala Day Soccer Teams
Track and Field Carnival
We had a couple of great days of weather for the Interhouse Track and Field Carnival. Congratulations to all students on your participation and sportsmanship. Gwynne House (1564 points) emerged victorious over Deacon (1124 points), taking home both the Casey Cup and Cheer Squad trophies. Congratulations to our Age Champions, Runners-Up and Third Place Age Champions pictured below. Four records were broken over the course of the carnival. Congratulations to our record-breakers:
- 10Yrs girls 1500m - Graysen (Gwynne) 7:05.37 (old record - Lailah (G) 7:20.84, 2021)
- 11Yrs girls 1500m - Lucy (Deacon) 6:41.64 (old record Lailah (G) 6:53.54, 2022)
- 9Yrs boys 800m - Isaac (Deacon) 3:04.55 (old record James Hoey (D) 3:09.14, 2017)
- 9Yrs girls 800m - Ellie (Deacon) 3:15.66 (old record Annika Bowen (G) 3:15.90, 2002)
Students who have qualified for the Central Downs Carnival will be advised shortly.
We take this opportunity to thank the many staff who assisted in making the carnival such a success. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
School Support Staff
Last week was School Support Staff week. We acknowledge the important work our school support staff do every day to ensure our school runs well and staff are supported to help students get the most out of their time at our school. Thank you Shane, Deb and Melissa.
Footy Tipping Update
Equal 1st: Angela Maguire and Robyn Miles 75, 3rd: Rachael Heritage 72, 4th James Turner 70, 5th: Lee Harrison 67. Winner of the $25 prize for most tips correct in week 12 was Merrida Jones. Thank you for participating in the competition. C’mon Parra – back in the 8!
Raffle Winners
The Year 10 students held a small raffle to aid their excursion to Canberra this year, which was drawn last week. The winners are as follows: 1st Mark Postle – Load of Firewood, 2nd Masters Family – BBQ Plate Set, 3rd Mark Smith – Camping Light Set, 4th $40 Allora Pharmacy Voucher – Nicky Veal, 5th Fun Prize – B Dancey, 6th Fun Prize – Dennis Steger, 7th Fun Prize – Masters Family. Thankyou to all who supported the raffle. Have a great winter break!