School Link - 9 August 2023
From the Principal
It is hard to believe we are half way through Term 3!
I would like to again thank everyone for their warm welcome to Allora P-10 and thank you all for sharing your stories and wishes for the school with me. There are many things to be proud of as the principal of this school. I have been enjoying getting to the classrooms and seeing the learning occurring and having conversations with the students about the learning.
I had a very special visit with the Year 6 students and a discussion with them about transitioning to the Secondary section of the school. As part of this conversation, the students expressed their wishes to commemorate the end of primary school life for them with a Year 6 shirt. The students have selected the design and Year 6 families will receive more information next week for size orders.
Last week, I was also very lucky to visit the C&K Kindy where I took an invitation to the staff and students to attend our Book Week Parade. The Kindy class from Head Start Child Care Centre have received their invitation to attend and join our Prep class for fruit break and a play. We look forward to welcoming our families to this parade on Wednesday 23 August at 9am.
NAPLAN results were distributed to students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 last week. NAPLAN is a snap shot of your child at the time of the test. NAPLAN tests skills such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is important to remember that NAPLAN is not about passing or failing, but about assessing learning progress. All students learn differently and are unique and valued by the staff for these differences. We are happy to discuss any concerns you may have about your children’s results at any time, please make an appointment to speak with the classroom teacher.
Congratulations to our Allora sports stars who have been excelling at the various carnivals this term There are still more to go and we wish our students all the best. Please keep an eye out for the ball games information coming home!
Thank you to all who have already completed the Parent/Caregiver Survey. If you have not had a chance to complete the survey yet, please note that the online surveys will remain open until Friday 18 August 2023. This is your opportunity to provide feedback about what our school does well and how we can improve. To have your say, check your email for an invitation from the Department of Education titled School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2023. If your family has more than one parent/caregiver, check that they haven’t received the invitation and/or check your junk email folder.
All the best,
Calendar of Events
A Note from the Library
Exciting news! Book Week is coming and to celebrate Book Week we will be having a dress-up day on Wednesday 23 August. The theme for this year is “Read, Grow, Inspire”. Students from Prep to Year 10 are invited to dress up in theme or come as their favourite book character. We will have a parade in the primary undercover area at 9:00 am. Every child who dresses up goes into a draw to win a gift voucher from Book Club.
Parents, please remember that something simple is often the best. Please do not feel that you have to go out and buy an expensive dress-up costume.
Borrowing continues as normal and it is wonderful to see more and more students receiving their pick in the box for fantastic borrowing.
DID YOU KNOW that an octopus has to turn itself inside out to eat, as its mouth is hidden in between its tentacles?
Tuckshop Roster
HELP!! As you can see from the roster below, we are very, very short on volunteers. Please consider volunteering some time to help out at the tuckshop.
We thank those who already volunteer their time at Tuckshop. Without support from our wonderful volunteers, we would struggle to run. If there are any problems or you are unable to volunteer on your rostered day, please let Serena know with an SMS or phone call before school. Thank you.
Student of the Week
The following students are awarded certificates for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Congratulations students!
Sports Report
Central Downs Track and Field Carnival:
It has been a busy term for sport, with the term punctuated by a number of representative Track and Field Carnivals. We had 73 Allora students attend the Central Downs Track and Field Carnival in Week 3. It was a successful day for the school taking out the ‘A’ Schools trophy and Lucy was named the overall athlete of the meet, winning the Peter Doherty Memorial Trophy. Congratulations to our Runner-up and Age Champions – Lloyd, Isaac, Ellie, Chelsea, Jackson, Lochlan, Blake, Lucy and Caitlyn.
Southern Downs Track and Field Carnival:
A number of students from the Central Downs carnival qualified for the next stage - the Southern Downs Track and Field Carnival, which was held last week. It was another successful carnival for Allora students with a number of students placing in their track and/or field events. Well done, Lucy - Runner-up Age Champion and Ellie, Isaac and Lochlan who were named Age Champions.
Darling Downs Championships:
Ten Allora students have qualified for the next stage - the Darling Downs Championships in Toowoomba next week. Best wishes are extended to Ellie, Isaac, Lloyd, Lance, Lochlan, Jackson, Adam, Lucy, Blake and Milo. We wish you the very best and look forward to hearing your results.
Two secondary students, Zavier and Shakoba, will represent Allora at the Darling Downs 13-19 Years Championships in Toowoomba next week, also. They will both complete in the 100m and 200m events. Good luck, students.
Border District Track and Field Carnival:
A group of secondary students travelled into Warwick to take part in the Border District Track and Field Carnival. Students participated well and are to be commended on their efforts, with a number of students placing in their individual events. Well done!
Warwick All Schools:
Secondary students aged 12 – 17 years have been invited to travel into Warwick on Thursday to take part in the Warwick All Schools meet. A small group have chosen to attend. This event will be held at Scots PGC. We wish attending students the very best as they run, jump and throw.
Central Downs Ball Games:
Date Claimer: The Central Downs Ball Games will be held on Friday 8 September in Clifton. Students who are in Years 3 – 6 will attend. Information about this event will be sent home soon.
Classroom News
National Pyjama Day
On Friday 4 August, we hosted a Pyjama Day at school to raise awareness of, and support for, children living in foster care. Thank you to everyone who came to school for the day in their pyjamas and who made a gold coin donation.
School Disco Thanks
Last Friday, the Year 9 and 10 classes hosted our second disco for the year. A slightly different format was observed, with the Year 6 class graduating to the senior disco. A special thanks to all the families who donated cupcakes for the disco. Furthermore, a massive 'cheerio' to all the students and staff who volunteered on the night. There were dancers who danced for hours, BBQers who kept the snags a-coming, shop assistants who non-stop shop assisted, and the people who just filled in the jobs that needed to be done! Overall, a successful and fun night was had by all, especially the tired staff who went home for a long well earnt sleep! See you at the next disco.
Year 9 & 10 Girls Visit TAFE
Our Year 9 and 10 female students participated in Speed Careering at Toowoomba TAFE. This experience was sponsored by the National Association of Women in Construction and other agencies that support females to enter careers such as bricklaying, plumbing and electrical trades. The students were able to meet women in trades and the agencies that support and mentor them.
Our students asked many questions of the mentors and learnt the pathways beyond the school gates that are available for them to explore, even while still attending school, through TAFE. The girls made connections with organisations such as MEGT Australia, Busy at Work and Construction Skills QLD.
The following links are to these organisations that may be of support to any of our students interested in trades and pathways through TAFE:
Construction Training | Construction Skills Queensland - CSQ
Apprenticeship, Employment and Community Services | BUSY At Work
MEGT Australia – Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Recruitment